PANDA provides a simple way for pediatricians to screen for the risk of developmental disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), in children as young as twelve months of age.


There are two patents on a device that uses near infrared to measure how a pupil reacts to a flashing light.


Extensive lab tests at the Thompson Center for Autism shows high accuracy in detecting autism as early as twelve months in age.


This has huge implications in helping children through early intervention.


Interventions implemented before age three are associated with significant gains in cognition, language, and adaptive behavior.


Collectively, this evidence suggests that early diagnosis and intervention are imperative in the long-term trajectories and quality of life for children with ASD.


Dr. Anderson was the first to report on an enlarged tonic pupil size and decreased phasic response to human faces in ASD.


“Pupil and salivary indicators of autonomic dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder.”


“Visual scanning and pupillary responses in young children with autism spectrum disorder.”


“Larger tonic pupil size in young children with autism spectrum disorder.”